[ Neos = young ]
Inspiring and empowering young talents to strive for a better world through sport
While the world population continues to grow, and while we continue to witness shocking social, health or education inequalities between various regions and groups, there is one constant: everywhere, young people want to be part of the solutions instead of only experiencing the problems! Identifying, mentoring and empowering young talents is an essential part of reaching the 17 UN SDGs for 2030. Sport has a major role to play as a catalyst in a number of areas: health and prevention, education, gender equality, sustainability awareness, and many others. As the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner said in his last book: “I notice one thing that is common in today’s young people: they are more willing to be useful to others than previous generations.”
(Prof. Muhammad Yunus in A World of Three Zeros)
insPoweredBy has a passion for youth empowerment, and can design programmes to harness the limitless energy of young social entrepreneurs through sport. Training, education, communication, accountability and promotion are important dimensions to take into account in such programmes.
Reference: The founder of insPoweredBy spearheaded the Young Leaders programme of the International Olympic Committee since 2015.